benefici omega-3 da olio di fegato di merluzzo

Omega-3 benefits help keep you healthy throughout life

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A mother’s intake of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA during pregnancy helps the development of the retina of the eye of her baby. Studies also show there is a connection between a mother’s DHA intake and her child’s brain and vision development.

Omega-3 is a collective term for a group of different fatty acids. Some of these fatty acids have been proven to have positive health effects, which is why it’s important to choose omega-3 products that contain the fatty acid types that are proven to have an effect, namely DHA and EPA. DHA and EPA are long-chained, flexible fatty acids that are especially beneficial if present in the cell membranes of the heart and blood vessels.

Older children and adults need DHA and EPA as they are building blocks for brain maintenance and heart function. DHA further helps maintain normal vision in adults and the elderly.

As these fatty acids are part of virtually all body cells, omega-3 is of benefit to people of all ages. Möller’s cod liver oil contains the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, as well as vitamin A, D and E. If you don’t like cod liver oil, then we have many good alternative omega-3 products for you and your family.

Möller’s – For the entire body. Throughout life.

*Optimal benefit is achieved by a daily intake of 250 mg of combined DHA and EPA plus 200 mg of DHA.