Why take vitamin D supplements in summer?

We’ve always been told it’s important for us to get enough vitamin D during winter. In summer, on the other hand, we’re told we don’t need vitamin D supplements because we’re exposed to more sunlight.

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But British summers can be moody, to put it mildly. What do you do when the sun keeps hiding behind the clouds and the rain buckets down for days on end? You stay inside or cover up in clothes when you go out.

And when the sun does come out, you apply sunscreen, which admittedly protects your skin from harmful sunrays but it also prevents it from forming the important vitamin D.

This is why it may be wise to not only take vitamin D supplements in winter, but all year round.

What vitamin D does for you

Vitamin D is good for your teeth and helps you maintain a normal skeletal structure. It also helps your immune system to function normally – in other words, it helps you stay healthy.

Vitamin D deficiency is not as widespread in the southern hemisphere as it is in northern climates.  However, immigrants with darker skin may find that they need extra vitamin D when they move to northern countries with less sun.

Elderly people should also be extra careful to make sure they get enough vitamin D to maintain a healthy skeleton.

One of the best vitamin D supplements

There are not many foods that contain large quantities of vitamin D. Oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, herring and trout are some foods rich in vitamin D. You will also find smaller amounts of vitamin D in dairy products fortified with the vitamin. If you eat 200 grams of oily fish per day, you will almost get your daily dose of vitamin D. However, for most people, even a normal, healthy diet will not provide enough vitamin D.

One of the best vitamin D supplements is cod liver oil, which is why many people take a spoonful every day, all year round. It’s the easiest way to ensure you get enough vitamin D.