Tired all the time? Try these 10 tips

If you’re the parent of small children, you may be used to putting yourself and your own needs last. When all the focus is on the little ones, it can mean your diet and sleep requirements take a back seat. No wonder you feel tired and lethargic. Here are 10 simple tips to give you back your energy, whether you are a parent or not.

  1. Exercise is the best way to get up your energy level but it can be difficult to squeeze into a hectic schedule. But perhaps you can run or cycle to work or daycare? There is a lot of different equipment that can make this possible, such as special prams, bicycle trailers, bike transporters, etc.
  2. Vitamins are necessary for your body’s energy requirements. If you follow the advice to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, you’re certain of a good intake of the most important vitamins. Vitamin D is, however, in few foods but Omega-3 supplements like cod liver oil are a good source.
  3. It’s not only children who need breakfast. Adults also need a nutritious start to the day. Studies show that people who eat breakfast every day feel better both mentally and physically, compared to those who skip this important meal.
  4. Replace a cup of coffee with a glass of water. Although caffeine may seem refreshing at the time, a high intake of coffee lowers your energy level in general. It can often be just as energizing to drink a glass of fresh water. Even mild dehydration can lead to a slowing down of the circulatory system, so the body has to work harder to bring blood to cells and organs, and this can make you feel exhausted.
  5. Few things have as strong an effect on our mood as music. Research confirms that music makes you work better, partly because you can easily “forget” that you are tired. So make a Spotify list of positive, energetic songs that you can put on – loudly – when you’re tired. Dancing increases the power of this tip.
  6. Get a regular supplement of energy. To keep your blood sugar and energy levels stable throughout the day, it’s smart to eat small meals every three to four hours. Try to eat a mixture of good carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats.
  7. Make sure you’re getting enough iron. Symptoms of iron deficiency include fatigue, dizziness, headaches and impaired work capacity. If you have doubts about your iron status, consult your doctor to have it checked. Examples of iron-rich foods are black pudding, liver paté, beef, poultry, mussels, whole grain products, spinach and kale.
  8. Stop and take a few deep diaphragmatic breaths. When we are stressed we often breathe in short shallow breaths, which gives you little oxygen and just makes you more stressed and tired.
  9. Sleep better with a lower bedroom temperature. Most of us are too hot when we sleep. The best bedroom temperature is between 12 and 24 degrees. If it gets too hot or too cold, it will be harder for you to sleep.
  10. Get long-lasting energy with fibre. Fibre works its way into the bloodstream at a slow pace, which means that energy from food lasts longer. The recommended daily dose of fibre is 25 to 30 grams, while most people only consume 10 to 15 grams.